Benefits and Nutritional value of Millet

Millet is widely consumed in Africa and Asia.  It looks like a seed but like millet nutrition profile sorghum and other cereals. It is popular because it is gluten-free and has a high content of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

What is Millet?

Millet is a whole grain that has existed for thousands of years and is consumed by many people around the world. Millet, This is India’s staple grain and is commonly eaten in China, South America, Russia, and the Himalayas.

Millet is very versatile and can be used for anything from side dishes to desserts. In some places, it can even be fermented and consumed as an alcoholic beverage.

Millet white, there is a gray, yellow or red color,. It is also bred as a high fiber feed for cattle, livestock, and birds.

Characteristics and types of Millet

A small round whole grain is cultivated in India, Nigeria, and other Asian and African countries.

It has many advantages over other products, such as drought and pest resistance. 

It can also grow in harsh environments and low fertility soils. These benefits come from their genetic and physical composition-for example, they are small in size and durable.

All varieties of millet Powae color, appearance, different types.

Pearl millet is the most widely produced variety for human consumption. Still, all types have high nutritional value and health benefits.

Nutritional value of Millet

Like most of the grain, millet also, in the starchy, carbohydrate is rich. It contains some vitamins and minerals.

The nutritional components of 174 grams of cooked millet are:

Calories: 207

Carbohydrate: 41 grams

Fiber: 2.2 grams

Protein: 6 grams

Fat: 1.7 grams

Magnesium: 19% of domestic violence

Folic acid: 8% of domestic violence

Iron: 6% of DV

Provides more essential amino acids than millet and other grains. These compounds are the building blocks of proteins.

Awa It is an important grain because it has a very high nutritional value. This whole grain contains high starch, B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and fat.

In addition, this important grain provides a high level of dietary fiber that contributes to health benefits.

What are the benefits of Millet?

A. Rich in antioxidants

Rich in millet phenolic compounds, especially ferulic acid and catechins. These molecules act as antioxidants that protect the body from harmful oxidative stress.

Studies in mice show that ferulic acid promotes wound healing and helps protect the skin.

Catechin, on the other hand, binds to heavy metals in the bloodstream and prevents metal poisoning.

B. Helps control blood sugar levels

Millet dietary fiber and no starch polysaccharide-rich is the indigestible carbohydrate that helps to control blood sugar levels.

This cereal also has a low glycemic index (GI) and does not raise blood sugar levels.

Therefore, people with diabetes can eat safely.

C. Helps lower cholesterol

It contains soluble fiber that produces a sticky substance in the millet intestine. This helps trap fat and lower cholesterol levels.

Studies with 24 rats – found that people fed a millet diet had significantly lower triglyceride levels compared to the control group.

D. May have anti-cancer effects

In addition to its antioxidant and anti-diabetic effects, it may have an anti-cancer effect on millet. Recent studies have shown that millet proteins can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in a variety of tissues.

The phytochemicals found in millet also showed antiproliferative effects on cancer cells in the colon, breast, and liver without damaging the surrounding normal cells.

Antioxidant phenolic acids and anthocyanidins are promising treatments for many cancers. Further research in this area can give more information about the anti-cancer properties of millet.

Other significant benefits of Millets

E. Helps digestion

Can help move the millet gastrointestinal tract. Constipation Helps relieve problems such as excess gas, flatulence, and cramps.

By regulating the digestive process, improves nutrient retention and reduces the likelihood of more serious gastrointestinal illnesses such as gastric ulcers. 

Because these organ systems are closely associated with the body’s metabolic activity, regular digestion and removal of waste products can also help optimize the health of the kidneys, liver, and immune system. 

F. It’s healthy for children and pregnant women

It is beneficial for children and pregnant women because it contains minerals such as millet fiber, protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron.

Boiled millet It can be given as a healthy snack, especially for malnourished children. Carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and calcium provide the strength and immunity needed by children as they grow up.

G. Strengthen bones

Finger millet contains large amounts of calcium (finger per 100 grams of 350mg of millet). 

H. Slow down the aging process

Millet extract showed activity to inhibit glycation and collagen cross-linking that cause skin aging. There are potential benefits of millet in protecting against aging.

I. Gluten free

Millet gluten-free cereals Celiac disease i.e gluten intolerance It’s a good choice for them.

Gluten is a protein naturally found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye.  People with celiac disease and gluten intolerance should avoid this as it causes harmful gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients.

How to eat millet?

It is a substitute for cooked rice.

To prepare it, add 2 cups (480 mL) of water or soup per 1 cup (174 grams) of raw millet. Boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

Remember to soak overnight before cooking to reduce the content of antinutrients. You can also fry it in a frying pan to enhance its flavor before cooking.

It is also sold as millet flour.

In fact, studies have shown that making baked goods from millet flour significantly improves the nutritional profile due to the increased content of antioxidants.

In addition, this cereal is processed to make probiotic beverages that are free of snacks, pasta, and dairy products. In fact, it functions as a natural probiotic by providing live microorganisms that are useful for fermented millet health.

What is the disadvantage of millet?

Millet in spite of its many health benefits, it also contains an anti-nutrient is a compound to prevent or reduce the absorption of our body of other nutrients.

Phytic acid track of these compounds. It suppresses the intake of potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. 

Other antinutrients called goitrogen polyphenols can also impair thyroid function. However, this effect is only associated with excessive polyphenol intake.

Millet antinutrient content can be significantly reduced by soaking overnight and washing before cooking.

as a result,

Millet It is a whole grain and contains antioxidants and important nutrients. It has many health benefits, including helping to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

In addition, being gluten-free is ideal for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Published by contactani

Nutritionist, Blogger, Influencer, Nature and Pet Lover.

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